This man is your friend he removes kebab
This man is your friend he removes kebab

Marshall: Yeah, what are you doing tonight? *Scene freezes, Ted is thinking.* Narrator: What was I doing? Here, Uncle Marshall was taking the biggest step of his life, and me? I’m calling up your Uncle Barney. Ted: It’s physics, Marshall, if the bottom bunk moves, the top bunk moves too. Ted: Dude, are you kidding? It’s you and Lily! I’ve been there for all the big moments of you and Lily: The night you met, your first date, other first things…. Thanks for helping me plan this out, Ted. Marshall : Will you marry me? Ted: Yes, perfect! And then you’re engaged, you pop the champagne, you drink a toast, you have sex on the kitchen floor - Don’t have sex on our kitchen floor.

this man is your friend he removes kebab

My life was good, and then Uncle Marshall went and screwed the whole thing up. I was twenty-seven, just starting to make it as an architect, and living in New York with Marshall, my best friend from college. *The children look at eachother and look annoyed.* *Theme song plays, show title and pictures of Ted’s life in 2005 are displayed.* Narrator: It was way back in 2005. Twenty-five years ago, before I was dad, I had this whole other life. Daughter: Yeah, is this going to take a while? Narrator: Yes. Son: Are we being punished for something ? Narrator: No. *Scene opens in the future, Ted’s son and daughter are sitting on a couch, listening to their father, the narrator.* Subtitle: “the Year 2030” Narrator: Kids, I’m going to tell you an incredible story: The story of how I met your mother.

This man is your friend he removes kebab