Fallout new vegas rideable horse mod
Fallout new vegas rideable horse mod

fallout new vegas rideable horse mod

To be fair, it makes sense for a desert environment to be flat. By default, the Chinese Agent has the skills Sneak, Small Arms, and Explosives tagged and SPECIAL stats set, although the player can modify their tagged skills and stats if they don't like the template. The background story ends an indeterminate time later, when the player exits the cave, removes his helmet, and sees his ghoulish reflection in the waters of the Colorado River. The player about to do the same when the bombs fall. The player and other survivors of the Crimson Dragoons take refuge in a cave in the canyons, where they commit hari kari with cyanide capsules. You manage to sneak through the Americans' defenses, set explosives, and head to an extraction point, but your escape is cut off by American soldiers in Power Armor. The player is part of a team of Crimson Dragoons infilitrating Hoover Dam.

fallout new vegas rideable horse mod

The background story takes place before the bombs fell.

fallout new vegas rideable horse mod

One background story is shown, Chinese Agent. The first few hours of the game are different depending on which background you choose, and you get some unique perks based on your background when the main game begins. Quote - Similar to Dragon Age: Origins, at character creation the player can select from different background stories.

Fallout new vegas rideable horse mod